About Katja Maas

I am an international designer and strategist with a sensibility for marketing and asset development. I build relationship brands, starting with mission, vision and values and then expanding that into visual communications strategy and the development of rich content and a differentiated digital presence.

My work is neither static nor is it finite. I apply interpersonal intelligence and the psychology of archetypes to design, branding and communication to achieve business objectives as they evolve.

The development of a business, its growth and the nurturing of external and internal relationships are continuous challenges. I am an ideal creative for businesses and nonprofits that want to achieve these goals in a connected way.

Originally from Scotland I have physical locations in Greensboro (GSO), North Carolina and Manhattan (NYC), New York. Since the pandemic and for all overseas work I have virtual spaces. If you want to know how I might help your business, let’s talk. :-)

Business Capabilities

Below is a slide share document I prepared for a $290M inland water transportation brand. The questions answered and topics covered  are interesting and I think they apply to leadership across business sectors. There are some Scotland specific responses that I can give the US equivalent to should you want the detail. Let me know if you have any questions not covered. (CLICK To read in a lightbox setting)

There are two videos within this document (Page 12 and page 16) that you can access here:

Milton Glaser discusses doubt and the power of a mark.

The Guardian Progressive Consumers Sales Deck.