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Nervous Breakdown – Behind the Scenes

In Greensboro, those familiar with the Rock 92 morning radio show, Two Guys Named Chris, will know Chirs Demm and Chris Kelly. You may not know that Chris Demm (looks like this before he has his coffee) but is an absolute delight despite his furrowed brow. Nervous Breakdown by 4 Leagues Media was directed by Dan Robinette and starred Chris Demm as the monster alongside Chris Kelly as the sheriff.

See more behind the scenes of Nervous Breakdown stills photography here. See New York Fashion week here and also You’re Invited, directed by Andrew Kaplan here.

Below is a short teaser (my cut) of some video I captured…

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Ten and a half things you might not know about prescription drug side effects

A public information video designed to be engaging and memorable. The video summarizes prescription drug side effects and what you need to do to protect yourself and your family. Created for Sense About Science and Liverpool University, home to the UK’s drug side effects research center. Companion guide pdf.


Sense about Science is an independent charity that champions the public interest in sound science and ensures evidence is recognized in public life and policy making.

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