Day 41 – No restrictions No limitations barring your imagination

40 Days and 40 Nights  – Design in a Time of Coronavirus – Day 41

A look at what Maas Creatives did during 40 days and 40 nights of the Coronavirus lockdown. What we worked on. What we thought about. Whether it was useful. Whether it helped. Maybe this will all lead to a brighter future and maybe it won’t. Maybe it will be like watching a train crash in slow motion. Who knows, but here’s hoping for the former.

Words First

No age restrictions and no limitations barring your imagination.

I wrote this line to communicate the values of The Rothesay Pavilion and encourage participation in creative activities during the lockdown. It’s not grammatically correct. To be correct you would have to choose one interpretation and place punctuation appropriately and change barring to bar. But I wanted two interpretations in one. The traditional interpretation, that only your imagination is the limit and more importantly we want the other interpretation – that there is nothing in the way, nothing blocking your imagination and therefore you are free to be as creative as you like.

We would prefer the simpler No restrictions No limitations but when communicating something new, it’s most important to be very clear. In this case it was important to be clear that everyone can participate and that age restrictions are not part of the Pavilion world, a community resource for the whole community.

Visit the Rothesay Pavilion’s STUCK AT HOME creative activities page HERE


Stuck-at-home-activities branded blog posts

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